Texian Legacy Association Classified Ads

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Welcome to the TLA Classified Ads Page. This is a free service provided to TLA members and non-members, alike. As usual, the Texan Legacy Association (TLA) takes no responsibility for the merchandise or services offered here. All items come with our "Texian Guarantee": If the thing blows up or falls apart; you get to keep all the pieces. The advertiser and not TLA is solely responsible for the truthful content of the ad. TLA reserves the right to reject any ad or request changes in the wording of an ad.

To place an ad, simply e-mail me the information in the form you want it read. Please keep the ads short. More words don't necessarily mean a better description. As you may have noticed, I don't type real well, either, so it would be wise to submit the ad so that I don't have to reword it.

Want to Buy

I've got a fellow, here, who's looking for a late 18th century French fusil reproduction in a caliber somewhere between .58 and .65. He says that the older and more beat up it is, the better. If you know of such an animal, let me know and I'll put the two of you in touch.


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